Narices, buhitos, volcanes y otros poemas ilustrados (Noses, Little Owls, Volcanoes and Other Illustrated Poems)
ISBN: 978-84-930221-1-X
Books for Children Collection, number 2 / Spanish edition / 2nd edition: August 2004 / 18,5 x 23 cm / 104 pages / 40 two-page bicoloured illustrations + portraits of the authors / hardcover with dust jacket / printed at Brizzolis, Madrid, Spain
This book is for readers of all ages; for poetry enthusiasts and for those who don´t read poetry. This singular selection of 40 poems are also profusely illustrated; some even adopt the form of a comic strip.
Since they are born, poems aspire to live a life of their own, independent from whoever wrote them. It is enough for someone to read them aloud or copy them in handwriting to make them their own. These, which we found in the street and kept as pets, had once escaped from their authors’ laps: Francisco de Quevedo, Antonio Fernández Molina, Jean Arp, Gloria Fuertes, Jacques Prévert, Isabel Escudero, Blaise Cendrars, Francis Picabia, Bernardo Atxaga, Manolito el Pollero, Gabriela Mistral, Vicent Andrés Estellés, Baldomero Fernández Moreno, Pere Quart, Cecilia, Heinrich Heine, Joan Brossa, Carmen Santonja, Oliverio Girondo, Angel González, Rafael Alberti among others. By whimsical request of the publisher, the illustrator has tailored for them extravagant carnival costumes. Text and illustrations exchange and bump their noses with each other, and they must be seen as one of the same thing.
VAT included